Negaunee Middle School Home Page:
iMOVIE - This is an elective class where we use Apple's iMovie software program to create, edit, and finish movies. Students use Adobe Photoshop Elements software to scan, digital cameras, media converters, and Microsoft Office to help in their finished product. Students will create video books, newscasts, editorials, music videos, commercials, and comedy shows.
WORD PROCESSING- In my word processing classes, students are evaluated primarily on their keyboarding technique during the first few weeks of class. This consists of: Position at the computer, keystroking, space bar, returning, shift keys and tabulator, and keeping their eyes on the copy. Also in the technique grade, I evaluate their "mind-set"; following directions and effort. Technique is 50% of their 1st marking period grade. During the 2nd marking period, this drops to 25%.
After we learn the letter keys, we begin timings (or TW's). We should be starting these during the 1st week of October. TW's make up 25% of their 1st marking period grade.
We go on to learn the symbol and number keys. Then we begin the formatting part of the course and students are assigned various formatting activities such as reports and business letters, tables, etc. Assignments (which are completed during class) make up 25% of their grade the 1st marking period, then 50% the second. There is no homework for this class unless students fall behind.
COMPUTERS - Students go through several units which include Microsoft Word, Excel, Web Design, Internet, Desktop Publishing, PowerPoint and iMovie. Students are evaluated in two areas: Completed assignments and individual work in the lab. The lab grade is 40% of their grade. This consists of following directions, effort, staying on task, attitude, etc. The assignment grade is 60% of their grade. They complete assignments during class time so their is no homework.